Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- Organic chemistry: Study of carbon-containing compounds and their properties
- Focus on hydrocarbons: Compounds composed of Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H)
Types of Hydrocarbons
Alkanes (Saturated hydrocarbons)
- Contain only single ($\sigma$) bonds
- Example: $\ce{C_{2}H_{6}}$
Alkenes (Unsaturated hydrocarbons)
- Contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond ($\sigma$ & $\pi$)
- Example: $C₂H₄/$
Alkynes (Unsaturated hydrocarbons)
- Contain at least one carbon-carbon triple bond ($\sigma$ & $2\pi$)
- Example: C₂H₂
- Contain a benzene ring
- Example: C₆H₆
Molecular Representations
Isopentane (Example of an Alkane)
- Carbon atoms in alkanes adopt a tetrahedral geometry (~109° bond angles)
- Carbon atoms are sp³ hybridized
Other Representations
Bond-Line Structures (Line-Angle Formulas)
More efficient way to represent organic molecules Rules:
Drawn in a zigzag format
Each bend and end represents a carbon
Hydrogen atoms are not shown explicitly
Double and triple bonds are represented by two and three lines, respectively
Heteroatoms (e.g., O, N, Cl, etc.) and their hydrogens must be drawn
Nomenclature of Alkanes
- Isopentane: Common name for a five-carbon alkane
- IUPAC Systematic Name: 2-methylbutane
- IUPAC rules provide a systematic naming scheme for organic compounds
Classification of Carbon & Hydrogen Atoms
To complement the IUPAC (i.e., systematic) naming scheme, other descriptors are used to define the bonding environment about a given atom (usually C). Consider the following alkane:
- Primary (1°) carbon: Bonded to one other carbon/heteroatom
- Secondary (2°) carbon: Bonded to two other carbon/heteroatoms
- Tertiary (3°) carbon: Bonded to three other carbon/heteroatoms
- Quaternary (4°) carbon: Bonded to four other carbon/heteroatoms
- The same classification applies to hydrogen atoms, based on the carbon they are attached to