
IUPAC Naming Protocol

(I) Select the Longest Continuous Chain

  • Identify the longest continuous carbon chain as the parent chain. (Refer to Table 7.1.)
  • If there are multiple candidates with the same number of carbons, select the chain with the most substituents.

(II) Identify and Characterize the Substituents

  • Straight-chain alkyl groups (simple substituents) follow Table 7.2.
  • Branched alkyl groups (complex substituents) follow Table 7.3.

(III) Number the Carbon Atoms and Assign Positions

  1. Single Substituent
    • Number the parent chain to give the lowest number to the substituent.
  2. Multiple Substituents
    • Number the parent chain so that the lowest number is assigned to the first encountered substituent.
    • If a tie occurs, consider the second substituent’s position (lowest number wins).
    • If different substituents are at equivalent positions, assign numbers alphabetically.

(IV) Indicating Multiple Identical Substituents

  • If a substituent appears more than once, use prefixes:
    • di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, etc.
  • If identical substituents attach to the same carbon, cite the carbon number for each instance.

Notes on Writing IUPAC Names

  • Alphabetize substituents when writing the name.
  • Ignore numerical prefixes (di, tri, tetra, etc.) when alphabetizing.
  • Hyphens (-) separate numbers from letters.
  • Commas (,) separate numbers.